Thursday, April 14, 2011

A pink thing

It's amazing what a little bit of sunshine can do. Suddenly the day is 10 times better. I know I'll complain about the hotness and the sun during summer, but spring sun is awesome and gives some hope that those ginormous piles of snow will eventually actually melt away and I can peel off my winter boots. As much as I love my boots, I could really do with some more breathable shoes again...

The day has been good, though busy. I'm taking a little break for some lemon yogurt at the moment, but just a quick one. I've learned a ton of new things, delegated a whole lot and met some new people and artists. One artist (who's fun works I love) came over today to bring some new drafts and cards for sale and I managed to get one adorable card (on the right, sorry about quality) for a discount! It's so cute and will fit my current colors at home perfectly. I also got a tip on where to buy some nice art supplies... And! I happened to mention how I've been buying stuff for my jewelry before so she asked if I had made what I was wearing and became interested. I was wearing the orange-white necklace and the orange earrings. She asked if I was selling my work anywhere and was wondering if maybe we could trade art for jewelry in the future! So cool. I wish I had my kit here so I could make more. I also wish I had time to really get into it more and learn maybe new techniques and such. I've never been very good at traditional arts, but jewelry I'm really interested in... and still, photography...

I wish I didn't have all those debts to worry about... then I could invest in art.

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